dilluns, 28 de febrer del 2005

The Greatest Game of All Time Is...

Tal com diu el títol, fan una enquesta per saber quina és la millor partida d'escacs de tots els temps. Es pot votar aquí i es poden baixar totes les partides en format pgn aquí.

Jo he votat... encara m'ho he de pensar! :-)

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

I wish I could communicate in Catalonia, but I'm limited to English.

I'm still happy to find a chess blog from the birthplace of modern chess.

I have a copy of escacs d’amor online in it's original language (Catalonian) because I could never find anyway to nor anyone who could translate it. It would be truly wonderful if you could translate this poem and post it on you blog.

Sarah Beth
email: sarahbeth1973@yahoo.com